beggar n. 1.乞丐,叫化子;穷人。 2.募捐者。 3.〔俚语〕家伙〔对人的爱称、戏称〕。 a good beggar善于募捐;会讨东西。 Beggars must not be choosers. 饥者难择食。 die a beggar 穷死困死。 nice little beggars 可爱的小家伙〔指幼儿、幼小动物说〕。 poor beggar ! 可怜可怜! vt. 1.使做乞丐,使变穷。 2.使…无用,难以…。 Her beauty beggars description. 她的美貌非笔墨所能形容。 I'll be beggared if ... 〔口语〕决不会;如果…,让我变叫化子好了〔赌咒口吻〕。 n. -liness 贫穷,卑贱;卑劣;贫弱。 adj. -ly 1. 乞丐似的,赤贫的;下贱的,卑劣的。 2. 很少的,起码的 (a few beggarly dollars 很少几元钱。 a beggarly amount of learning 学识浅陋)。
description n. 1.记述,叙述,描写;记载。 2.叙事文;(物品)说明书;相貌说明书。 3.种类。 4.作图;绘制。 a man answering (to) that description 和相貌说明书符合的人。 pencils of every description 各种铅笔。 persons of that description 那一类人。 a speech of the poorest description 内容平淡到极点的演说。 beyond description 难以形容。 give [make] a description of 叙述…的样子;说明。 the description of a circle 画圆圈。
The valley was so beautiful as to beggar description 这山谷的景色之优美难以形容。
His joy at the birth of a son beggared description 他得子的喜悦难以形容。
The rubbish left behind by the cup final crowd beggars description 观看锦标赛的观众们丢下的废物,实非笔墨所能描述。
It did not exactly beggar description , but it certainly had that word on the lookout for the mendicancy squad 尽管难以用笔墨形容,可它真真够得上乞丐帮这个词儿。
It did not exactly beggar description , but it certainly had word on the lookout for the mendicancy squad 虽然不能说绝对的难以形容实际上,确实与贫民窟也相差无几了。
His inscrutable face , which was really a work of art , a perfect study in itself , beggaring description , conveyed the impression that he didn t understand one jot of what was going on 他那张令人莫测高深的脸确实是件艺术品。它本身就完全是一门可供研究的课题,非笔墨所能形容。他仿佛丝毫也不了解正在发生着的事。